Data Display

This page provides a description of the FrDisplay tool. Further documentation on the FrDisplay tool is available at the following links:


The FrDisplay tool enables the plotting of spectrograms, spectra and waveforms from data contained in frame files. It wraps the considered frame files and Baudline, a software developed for data visualization in the time-frequency domain (see FrDisplay can also be used to list the channels available in the considered frames, see this page: How to dump the frame file contents.

A graphical overview of the FrDisplay tool is provided by the following image:


The following command lines are examples of how to use the FrDisplay tool (see here for the meaning of PROC and ADC):

- FrDisplayPROC -t H1:LDAS-STRAIN -i H-H1_LDAS_C02_L2-955609344-128.gwf
- FrDisplayPROC -t G1:DER_DATA_H -i G-G1_RDS_C01_L3-991247*.gwf
- FrDisplayADC -t V1:Sc_OB_Gr_Coil1 -i V-raw-986188050-150.gwf
- FrDisplayADC -t "V1:Sc_OB_Gr_Coil1 V1:Sc_OB_tyCorr" -i V-raw-986188050-150.gwf
The complete list of options is available at the links reported above in this page or at the following path: