How to Contribute

Install Documentation

# download cWB Documentation from GIT Repository
# The suggested local directory where to download the repository is $HOME/git/cWB
# Download the git master version (developing version):

  cd $HOME/git/cWB
  git clone

Documentation uses doxygen to generate reference guide for cWB library and cWB config. The instructions to install the library and config are here.

Install Auxiliary Libraries

The CWB documentation is written in reStructuredText Format and uses Sphinx and Read the Docs Theme

In CIT cluster it is possible to use the pre-installed libraries:

# setting (for bash shell)

source ~waveburst/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate

# setting (for tcsh shell)

source ~waveburst/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate.csh

To install the auxiliary libraries in the local user account do:

# installation of packages used for cwb documentation
# packages are installed into pycwb virtual enviroment ~/virtualenv/pycwb

# create pycwb virtual enviroment ~/virtualenv/pycwb

python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/pycwb

# activate pycwb virtual enviroment

source ~/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate

# install packages into ~/virtualenv/pycwb

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# the requirements.txt file is in the documentation git repository:


# to update packages in ~/virtualenv/pycwb

pip3 install -r requirements.txt -U

# setting (for bash shell)

source ~/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate

# setting (for tcsh shell)

source ~/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate.csh

Generate Documentation

# generate cWB config and library reference guides with Doxygen

make doxygen

# generate cWB documentation

make html

# generate cWB command man

make man

# include cWB command in the MANPATH environmental variable

  - setting (for bash shell)

    export MANPATH=~/git/cWB/documentation/_build:$MANPATH

  - setting (for tcsh shell)

    setenv MANPATH    "~/git/cWB/documentation/_build:$MANPATH"

# to get the online command help do (Ex):

    man cwb_inet

Public Documentation

To public the documentattion on web do:

# create symbolic link in ~/public_html directory:

mkdir ~/public_html/cwb
cd ~/public_html/cwb
ln -s ~/git/cWB/documentation/_build/html documentation

# at CIT it is available on web at the following link:

Ex: ``