MDC Engine

This page provides an overview of the procedure to generate MDC signals for simulation studies with the CWB pipeline.

How to generate MDC signals

The generation of MDC signals is based on the following class:

This uses an internal built-in generator for creating simulated Burst-like signals (similar to the BurstMDC) and the LAL library to generate signals modeling coalescing binary systems. For the two classes of signals, different kinds of waveforms can be generated, with different sky distributions.

The following list provides instructions on how to do generate MDC signals. |

Further examples available in the cwb tutorials macros


How to inject MDC signals

The CWB pipeline can read the MDC simulated signals from frame files or via the ‘on-the-fly’ approach. In particular, the ‘on-the-fly’ approach requires the following plugin: - CWB_Plugin_MDC_OTF.C (see How to use plugins on the configurion of the plugins used for CWB analyses). The generation of MDC simulated signals can be customised by using specific configuration plugins. Examples of configuration plugins for different classes of waveforms are collected in the following list:

  • CWB_Plugin_MDC_OTF_Config_BRST.C configuration plugin to generate ‘on the fly’ Burst-like MDC simulated signals
  • CWB_Plugin_MDC_OTF_Config_eBBH.C configuration plugin to generate ‘on the fly’ MDC simulated signals from eccentric black hole binaries
  • CWB_Plugin_MDC_OTF_Config_NSNS.C configuration plugin to generate ‘on the fly’ MDC simulated signals from neutron star binaries via the LAL libraries. Comment : in this example, the signal is generated by using EOBNRv2 waveforms. For the case of two neutron stars, this waveform provides an accurate description of the signal during the early inspiral stage, whereas is no longer accurate in the late inspiral, merger and ringdown stages due to the mass transfer between the two neutron stars.
  • CWB_Plugin_MDC_OTF_Config_EOBNRv2pseudoFourPN.C configuration plugin to generate ‘on the fly’ MDC simulated signals from coalescing binaries with the EOBNRv2 waveforms implemented in the LAL libraries


Strain factors

The amplitudes of each injected MDC simulated signal can be rescaled by a number of strain factors (to be declared in the user_parameters.C file). This approach increases the available statistic at the price of a limited increase of the computational cost.

The amplitudes of the MDC signals can be rescaled in four different ways, to be selected with the following configuration parameter: simulation (see the description of the simulation parameters). The four methods are summarised in the following list:

  • simulation=1 - the factors are used to rescale the hrss of the injected signals. This approach is used to construct detection-efficiency curves, see the Simulation Example
  • simulation=2 - the factors are used to rescale the network signal-to-noise ratios of the injected signals.
  • simulation=3 - the factors are the time shifts (in seconds) applied to the waveforms
  • simulation=4 - the factors are a set of indexes, wich correspond to multiple trials. This approach is used to inject the simulated signals within the desired volume of space.



The mdc class is designed to easily produce mdc data for simulation

See class CWB::mdc ->


  1. Init
  2. Configuration
    1. Set Injection Params
    2. Add Waveforms
    3. Set SkyDistribution
  3. Get Data
  4. Write Frame

I. Init

Object mdc must be instantiate setting the network detectors:
root[] int nIFO = 3;               // number of detectors
root[] TString ifo[3] = {"L1","H1","V1"};
root[] CWB::mdc MDC(nIFO,ifo);     // create a mdc object
root[] vector par;         // used for MDC parameter definitions

II. Configuration

In the configuration phase must be define injection parameters, waveforms and sky distribution:

II.1 Set Injection Params

root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] // define injection parameters
root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] MDC.SetInjHrss(2.5e-21);     // Set injection HRSS
root[] MDC.SetInjRate(0.0333333);   // Set Injection Rate (Hz)
root[] MDC.SetInjJitter(10.0);      // Set Time Jitter (sec)

II.2 Add Waveforms

root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] // Add SinGaussian waveform
root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] par.resize(2);
root[] par[0].name="frequency"; par[0].value=235.;
root[] par[1].name="Q"; par[1].value=8.9;
root[] MDC.AddWaveform(MDC_SG, par);
root[] MDC.Print();   // list defined waveforms

II.3 Set SkyDistribution

root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] // define sky distribution
root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] par.resize(3);
root[] par[0].name="entries";par[0].value=100000;    // pool of events
root[] par[1].name="rho_min";par[1].value=1;         // min rho // Kpc
root[] par[2].name="rho_max";par[2].value=100;       // max rho // Kpc
root[] MDC.SetSkyDistribution(MDC_RANDOM,par,seed);

III. Get Data

root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] // get data
root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] wavearray x;
root[] x.start(0);x.rate(16384);x.size(600*x.rate());
root[] MDC.Get(x,ifo[0]);

IV. Write Frame

root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] // write frame
root[] // --------------------------------------------------------
root[] TString frDir   = "frames";
root[] TString frLabel = "TEST";
root[] size_t gps      = 123456789;
root[] size_t length   = 1000;  // sec
root[] bool log        = true;
root[] TString ofName = MDC.WriteFrameFile(frDir, frLabel, gps, length, log);

A Quick Overview

This page provides a coincise overview of the options which can be set when generating MDC simulated signals.

  • Waveforms
    • Built-in Burst-like signals (linearly- or circularly-polarised sine-gaussian, band-limited white noise, linearly-, circularly- or elliptically-polarised ringdown);
    • Signals from coalescing binaries (generated via the lalapps_inspinj executable of the LAL library)
    • User-defined signals (defined via text files reporting series in the time or frequency domains, at the desired rate)
  • Sky Distributions
  • Time
    • injection rate
    • injection time
      • fixed
      • jittered within a specific time interval
      • defined by the user as an input file
  • Generation of mdc signals
    • On the fly (requires CWB plugins)
    • Saving the signal on frame files. Following the procedure used for the BurstMDC and NINJA/LAL simulation studies, this approach generates also a log file with the parameters of the injections.
  • Generate frames & log (with condor)
    • MDC are saved to disk in frame format (like BurstMDC & NINJA/LAL)

The Injection Params

The following injection parameters can be set:

double inj_hrss   = 2.5e-21;               // source hrss=(h+^2 + hx^2)  10 Kpc
double inj_rate   = 0.01;                  // 1 injection every 100 sec
double inj_jitter = 10.0;                  // 10 sec jitter

MDC.SetInjHrss(inj_hrss);                  // Set injection HRSS
MDC.SetInjRate(inj_rate);                  // Set Injection Rate (Hz)
MDC.SetInjJitter(inj_jitter);              // Set Time Jitter (sec)

The Waveforms

In this section we show different methods used to add waveforms to MDC object
  • Builtin waveforms (Burst)

    To add a builtin waveform to the MDC object the following instruction must be used :
    MDC.AddWaveform(MDC_TYPE, par);
    Ex : TestMDC.C
         Creates CWB::mdc object and setup of waveforms, sky distribution
    where MDC_TYPE can be one of the following types :
    MDC_SG  = Linear SinGaussian
    MDC_SGC = Circular SinGaussian
    MDC_SGE = Elliptical SinGaussian   // created as SGC (ellipticity must be defined by iota)
              vector<mdcpar> par(2);
              par[0].name="frequency"; par[0].value=XXX; // Hz
              par[1].name="Q";         par[1].value=YYY;
              Ex : S6A_R4_SIM_BRST_L1H1V1_SGW
                   Scalar GW simulations analysis using On The Fly Burst MDC
    MDC_RD  = Linear RingDown
    MDC_RDC = Circular RingDown
    MDC_RDE = Elliptical RingDown      // created as RGC (ellipticity must be defined by iota)
              vector<mdcpar> par(2);
              par[0].name="frequency"; par[0].value=XXX; // Hz
              par[1].name="tau";       par[1].value=YYY;
    MDC_WNB = White Noise Burst
              vector<mdcpar> par(3);
              par[0].name="frequency"; par[0].value=XXX; // Hz
              par[1].name="bandwidth"; par[1].value=YYY; // Hz
              par[2].name="duration";  par[2].value=ZZZ; // sec
              par[3].name="pseed";     par[3].value=ppp; // seed fo hp component
              par[4].name="xseed";     par[4].value=xxx; // seed fo hx component
              par[5].name="mode";      par[5].value=mmm; // 0/1 a/symmetric respect to the central freq
              Ex : S6A_R4_SIM_BRST_L1H1V1_SGW
                   Scalar GW simulations analysis using On The Fly Burst MDC
    MDC_GA  = Gaussian Burst
              vector<mdcpar> par(1);
              par[0].name="duration";  par[0].value=XXX; // sec
              Ex : S6A_R4_SIM_BRST_L1H1V1_SGW
                   Scalar GW simulations analysis using On The Fly Burst MDC
    DC_EBBH = Eccentric Binary Black Holes // created as Circular (ellipticity must be defined by iota)
                                           // are generated with hrss  distance GM/c^2 meters
                                           // custom hrss is disabled
              vector<mdcpar> par(1);
              par[0].name="file_name";     // ebbh list file name [.lst/.root]
                                           // .lst  format : one event for each line
                                           // -> m1 m2 rp0 e0 (hp,hx are generated 'On The Fly')
                                           // .root format : one event for each entry
                                           // -> id m1 m2 rp0 e0 hp hx
              par[1].name="tree cuts";     // optional : used .root file to select tree entries
              Ex : ADV_SIM_EBBH_L1H1V1
                   Show how to use the eBBH waveforms with the 2G cwb pipeline
              Ex : CreateListEBBH.C
                   Macro to create the list of eBBH parameters
              Ex : DrawEBHH.C
                   This macro use getEBBH & display eBBH hp,hx new
              Ex : DrawRootEBBH.C
              Ex : List2RootEBBH.C
                   Convert eBBH file list to a root file which contains the eBBH waveforms
              Ex : RescaleEBBH.C
                   rescale the strain of eBBH according to the distance of the source
  • User defined waveforms
    User can define a custom waveform.
    The following methods are availables :
    AddWaveform(TString mdc_name, TString hp_fName);
     Input: mdc_name - name of mdc
            hp_fName - name of the input text file which contains hp component
     NOTE: the input text file is composed by two columns of ascii values (time hp)
    AddWaveform(TString mdc_name, TString hp_fName, TString hx_fName);
     Input: mdc_name - name of mdc
            hp_fName - name of the input text file which contains hp component
            hx_fName - name of the input text file which contains hx component
     NOTE: the input text file is composed by two columns of ascii values (time hp/hx)
    AddWaveform(TString mdc_name, TString hp_fName, double srate);
     Input: mdc_name - name of mdc
            hp_fName - name of the input text file which contains hp component
            srate    - sample rate of the input waveform (Hz)
     NOTE: the input text file s composed by a column of ascii values (hp/hx)
           at constant sample rate (srate)
    AddWaveform(TString mdc_name, TString hp_fName, TString hx_fName, double srate);
     Input: mdc_name - name of mdc
            hp_fName - name of the input text file which contains hp component
            hx_fName - name of the input text file which contains hx component
            srate    - sample rate of the input waveform (Hz)
     NOTE:  the input text file s composed by a column of ascii values (hp/hx)
            at constant sample rate (srate)
     Ex : LoadWaveforms.C
          Shows how to load user defined waveforms from files
    AddWaveform(waveform wf)
     Input: wf       - waveform structure
     Ex : LoadWaveforms.C
          Shows how to load user defined waveforms from files
  • LAL waveforms - (CBC)

    SetInspiral(TString inspName, TString inspOptions)
     Set inspiral mdc parameters
     Input: inspName    - name of inspiral
            inspOptions - list of options (see lalapps_inspinj options)
                          to dump all the available options do: 'lalapps_inspinj --help'
                          for any details refer to the LAL documentation.
                          There are some special options added only for the mdc class
                          --approximant       : is used as alternative to --waveform to force the use
                                                of the new XLALSimInspiralChooseWaveformFromSimInspiral
                          --xml    "file.xml" : read mdc injection's parameters from xml file
                          --output "file.xml" : write mdc injection's parameters to xml file
                          --dir "tmp dir"     : directory used to store temporary xml file, default=/tmp
    Ex : DrawInspiral.C
         Shows how to use mdc class to get & draw LAL inpiral waveforms
    Ex : DrawInspiralFeatures.C
         Show how to get signal envelop/instant frequency, WignerVille Transform
    Ex : DrawInspiralUserDet.C
         Draw Inspiral Waveform with the mdc class (for user defined detectors)
    Ex : CreateWhitenedInspirals.C
         Shows how to whitening an inspiral waveform
    Ex : ADV_SIM_INSPm25m25_L1H1V1
         LAL INSPm25m25 with adv detector simu noise and network L1H1V1
    Ex : ADV_SIM_INSPm25m25_L1H2H3V1
         LAL INSPm25m25 with adv detector simu noise and network L1H2H3V1
    Ex : ADV_SIM_NSNS_L1H1V1_2G
         LAL NSNS with advanced detector simulated noise
         LAL EOBNRv2 with advanced detector simulated noise

Builtin waveforms examples :

  • Add Gaussian (GA) waveform

    vector<mdcpar> par(1);
    par[0].name="duration"; par[0].value=0.004;     // define duration
    MDC.AddWaveform(MDC_GA, par);                   // add GA4d000 to MDC object
  • Add Linear Polarized SinGaussian (SG) waveform

    vector<mdcpar> par(2);
    par[0].name="frequency"; par[0].value=235.;     // define frequency
    par[1].name="Q"; par[1].value=8.9;              // define Q
    MDC.AddWaveform(MDC_SG, par);                   // add SG235Qd9 to MDC object
  • Add Circular Polarized SinGaussian (SGC) waveform

    vector<mdcpar> par(2);
    par[0].name="frequency"; par[0].value=1053.;    // define frequency
    par[1].name="Q"; par[1].value=9;                // define Q
    MDC.AddWaveform(MDC_SGC, par);                  // add SGC1053Q9 to MDC object
  • Add White Noise Band (WNB) waveform

    vector<mdcpar> par(6);
    par[0].name="frequency"; par[0].value=250.;     // define start frequency (Hz)
    par[1].name="bandwidth"; par[1].value=100.;     // define wideband (Hz)
    par[2].name="duration";  par[2].value=0.1;      // define duration (sec)
    for(int m=0;m<30;m++) {
      par[3].name="pseed";     par[3].value=100000+n*100+m; // seed for random noise
      par[4].name="xseed";     par[4].value=100001+n*100+m;       // seed for random noise
      par[5].name="mode";      par[5].value=1;      // 1:freq-simmetric - 2:freq-asymmetric
      MDC.AddWaveform(MDC_WNB, par);                // add WNB_250_100_0d100 to MDC object
  • Add eBBH waveform

    vector<mdcpar> par(1);
    MDC.AddWaveform(MDC_EBBH, par);                 //add eBBH to MDC object
    where eBBH.lst is (Ex.) :
      # m1        m2        rp0       e0
      0 21.724124 22.576595 13.769443 0.14255266
      1 14.041368 16.447480 17.734200 0.19790537
      2 16.138471 16.168646 17.070444 0.28757244
      3 19.835165 23.344931 14.073969 0.14751020

User defined waveforms examples :

  • Add User Defined waveform

    waveform wf;                                // waveform structure
    wavearray<double> x;                        // temporary buffer used to read waveform
    TString mdc_name = "SG235Q9";               // waveform name
    double rate = 16384;                        // waveform sample rate
    TString fName = "SG235Q9.txt";              // waveform file name
    MDC.ReadWaveform(x, fName, rate);           // read waveform
    // build waveform = mdc_name;
    wf.type = MDC_USER;
    wf.hpPath = fName;
    wf.hp = x;
    wf.hxPath = "";
    wf.hx = wf.hp;
    wf.hx = 0;                                  // set to 0 the hx component
    MDC.AddWaveform(wf);                        // add waveform

LAL waveforms examples :

  • Define EOBNRv2 waveform

    // ---------------------------------
    // set inspiral parms
    // ---------------------------------
    TString inspOptions="";
    inspOptions = "--time-step 60.0 --time-interval 3 ";
    inspOptions+= "--l-distr random ";
    inspOptions+= "--gps-start-time 931072130 --gps-end-time 933491330 ";
    inspOptions+= "--d-distr volume --m-distr totalMassRatio --i-distr uniform ";
    inspOptions+= "--f-lower 10.000000 ";
    inspOptions+= "--min-mass1 25.000000 --max-mass1 225.000000 ";
    inspOptions+= "--min-mass2 25.000000 --max-mass2 225.000000 ";
    inspOptions+= "--min-mtotal 50.000000 --max-mtotal 250.000000 ";
    inspOptions+= "--min-mratio 0.25 --max-mratio 1.000000 ";
    inspOptions+= "--min-distance 1000000.0 --max-distance 1500000.0 ";
    inspOptions+= "--approximant EOBNRv2pseudoFourPN --disable-spin ";
    inspOptions+= "--taper-injection start --seed 123456789 ";
    inspOptions+= "--output inspirals.xml ";              // set output xml file
    // set and write xml file
    // set inspiral using xml file (speedup GetInspiral method)
    TString inspOptions="--xml inspirals.xml";

The Sky Distribution

Definition of the sky distribution

SetSkyDistribution(MDC_DISTRIBUTION sky_distribution, TString fName, vector<mdcpar> par, int seed, bool add)

 Set Sky Distribution

 Input: sky_distribution - sky distribution type
        fName            - input file name
        par              - input sky distribution parameters
        seed             - seed for random selection
        add              - add (def=false) if true the distribution is added to the current one

           sky_distribution & par & fName can be one of the following choices :

           MDC_RANDOM        = random sky distribution (fName not used)
                               fName can be used to define a custom rho distribution
                                     example : fName="pow(x,2)"
                                     do not use  par[n].name="rho_dist";
                               vector<mdcpar> par(1);
                               par[0].name="entries"; par[0].value=XXX; // number of random events
                               par[1].name="rho_min"; par[1].value=MIN; // min distance in kPc
                               par[2].name="rho_max"; par[2].value=MAX; // max distance in kPc
                               // if(rho_min>0 && rho_max>=rho_min)
                               // the amplitude is rescaled to 10/rho
                               // (10 Kpc is the stantard candle distance)
                               // if rho_min,rho_max are not defined the amplitude is not rescaled
                               par[n].name="rho_dist";     // define the rho distribution
                               par[n].value=x;             // dist is rho^x
                               // if "rho_dist" is not defined then the distance of events
                               // is randomly selected from a (rho*rho) distribution
                               // so the sky distribution is uniform in area

                               par[m].name="iota"; par[m].value=iota;   // ellipticity [0:180] deg
                                                                        // if<0 || >180 -> random

           MDC_EARTH_FIX     = earth fixed coordinate
           MDC_CELESTIAL_FIX = celestial fixed coordinates
                               vector<mdcpar> par(2);
                               par[0].name="theta"; par[0].value=XXX; // degrees
                               par[1].name="phi";   par[1].value=YYY; // degrees
                               par[2].name="psi";   par[2].value=ZZZ; // degrees
                               par[3].name="rho";   par[3].value=UUU; // kPc
                               par[4].name="gps";   par[4].value=VVV; // sec
                               par[5].name="entries"; par[5].value=TTT; // number of random events
                               par[6].name="iota"; par[6].value=iota;   // ellipticity [0:180] deg
                                                                        // if<0 || >180 -> random

           MDC_MNGD          = Miyamoto-Nagai Galactic Disk Model (fName,par not used)
                               vector<mdcpar> par(1);
                               par[0].name="entries"; par[0].value=XXX; // number of random events
                               par[1].name="iota"; par[1].value=iota;   // ellipticity [0:180] deg
                                                                        // if<0 || >180 -> random

           MDC_GWGC          = Gravitation Wave Galaxy Catalog (par not used)
                               fName = path name of galaxy catalog
                               vector<mdcpar> par(1);
                               par[0].name="distance_thr"; par[0].value=XXX; // distance max (Kpc)
                               par[1].name="iota"; par[1].value=iota;   // ellipticity [0:180] deg
                                                                        // if<0 || >180 -> random

           MDC_LOGFILE       = mdc log file
                               fName = path name of mdc log file

           MDC_CUSTOM        = user define distribution
                               fName = path name of user file
                               file format :  gps  name  theta  phi  psi  rho  iota hrss ID id
                               theta = [0:180] deg : phi = [0:360] deg
                               psi = [0:180] deg : iota = [0:180] deg
                               ID/id are the major/minor id waveform numbers
                                     if ID=-1 then 'name' is used, if id=1 then id is selected randomly

 Note1: the angle iota is the inclination of the system which originates
        the burst with respect to the line of sight

        iota = 0  : the line of sight is perpendicular to the orbit plane
        iota = 90 : the line of sight has 0 deg inclination angle respect to the orbit plane
        the h+ ellipticity factor is : (1+cos[iota]*cos[iota])/2
        the hx ellipticity factor is : cos[iota]

 Note2: rho defines the distance of the source in Kpc
        if rho=0 then the hrss is the one defined with SetInjHrss (default)
        if rho>0 then the hrss is rescaled by a factor 10/rho;
                 the hrss defined with SetInjHrss is the hrss at 10Kpc

Examples :

  • Random Distribution : rho,theta,phi,psi are randomly distributed

    int seed = 0;                                   // random distribution seed
    vector<mdcpar> par(3);
    par[0].name="entries";par[0].value=100000;      // number of generated random pool events
    par[1].name="rho_min";par[1].value=1;           // min rho (Kpc)
    par[2].name="rho_max";par[2].value=100;         // max rho (Kpc)
  • Fixed earth source direction, fixed psi,gps

    vector<mdcpar> par(4);
    par[0].name="theta"; par[0].value=30;       // fixed theta [-90:90]
    par[1].name="phi";   par[1].value=60;           // fixed phi   [0:360]
    par[2].name="psi";   par[2].value=0;            // fixed psi   [0:180]
    par[3].name="gps";   par[3].value=968650050;    // fixed GPS
  • Fixed celestial source direction

    float DEC = -27.687000274658;
    float RA = 3.4909999370575;
    float seed = 0;
    vector<mdcpar> par(3);
    par[0].name="theta";   par[0].value=DEC;
    par[1].name="phi";     par[1].value=RA;
    par[2].name="entries"; par[2].value=1000;       // generates a pool of 1000 events with random psi
  • Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalog distribution

    vector<mdcpar> par(1);
    par[0].name="distance_thr"; par[0].value=100;                   // select max distance = 100 Mpc
    MDC.SetSkyDistribution(MDC_GWGC,"GWGCCatalog_Rev1d8.txt",par);  // load GWGC catalog
    Ex : TestDrawDistributions.C
         Draw Sky Distributions
    Ex : ConvertGWGC.C
         convert GWGCCatalog_Rev1d8.txt format to SetSkyDistribution format
         Simulation with a "On the Fly" GWGC distribution up to 50Mpc
         Simulation with a "On the Fly" GWGC distribution and L1H1 network
    There is a local copy in $CWB_GWAT/data/GWGCCatalog_Rev1d8.txt
    The catalog has been downloaded from: \
    The GWGC documentation is here : \
  • Miyamoto-Nagai Galactic Disk Model

    vector<mdcpar> par(1);
    par[0].name="entries";par[0].value=100000;  // number of random entries
    Ex : ADV_SIM_SGQ9_L1H1V1_2G                   // see macro/CreateFramesMDC.C
    Ex : ADV_SIM_SGQ9_L1H1V1_SKYMASK              // see macro/CreateFramesMDC.C
    Ex : ADV_SIM_SGQ9_L1H1V1_TST                  // see macro/CreateFramesMDC.C
    Ex : ADV_SIM_SGQ9_L1Y2Y3V1_TST                // see macro/CreateFramesMDC.C