How to Contribute ------------------ Install Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash # download cWB Documentation from GIT Repository # The suggested local directory where to download the repository is $HOME/git/cWB # Download the git master version (developing version): cd $HOME/git/cWB git clone Documentation uses `doxygen `__ to generate reference guide for `cWB library `__ and `cWB config `__. The instructions to install the library and config are `here `__. Install Auxiliary Libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The CWB documentation is written in `reStructuredText Format `__ and uses `Sphinx `__ and `Read the Docs Theme `__ In CIT cluster it is possible to use the pre-installed libraries: .. code-block:: bash # setting (for bash shell) source ~waveburst/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate # setting (for tcsh shell) source ~waveburst/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate.csh To install the auxiliary libraries in the local user account do: .. code-block:: bash # installation of packages used for cwb documentation # packages are installed into pycwb virtual enviroment ~/virtualenv/pycwb # create pycwb virtual enviroment ~/virtualenv/pycwb python3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/pycwb # activate pycwb virtual enviroment source ~/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate # install packages into ~/virtualenv/pycwb pip3 install -r requirements.txt # the requirements.txt file is in the documentation git repository: sphinx==1.8.1 sphinxcontrib-programoutput matplotlib sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-git sphinxcontrib-contentui sphinxcontrib-doxylink==1.6 # to update packages in ~/virtualenv/pycwb pip3 install -r requirements.txt -U # setting (for bash shell) source ~/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate # setting (for tcsh shell) source ~/virtualenv/pycwb/bin/activate.csh Generate Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash # generate cWB config and library reference guides with Doxygen make doxygen # generate cWB documentation make html # generate cWB command man make man # include cWB command in the MANPATH environmental variable - setting (for bash shell) export MANPATH=~/git/cWB/documentation/_build:$MANPATH - setting (for tcsh shell) setenv MANPATH "~/git/cWB/documentation/_build:$MANPATH" # to get the online command help do (Ex): man cwb_inet Public Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To public the documentattion on web do: .. code-block:: bash # create symbolic link in ~/public_html directory: mkdir ~/public_html/cwb cd ~/public_html/cwb ln -s ~/git/cWB/documentation/_build/html documentation # at CIT it is available on web at the following link: Ex: `` Useful Links ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a list of usefull references to learn how to start with sphinx documentation. - **Main** - `Sphinx `__ - **Themes** - `Sphinx Themes `__ - `Read the Docs Theme `__ - `TYPO3 Documentation `__ - **Extensions** - `sphinx-git `__ - `Contentui `__ - `doxylink `__ - **Guides** - `Python Documentation Generator `__ - `reStructuredText Primer `__ - `Documenting Your Project Using Sphinx `__ - `Sphinx and RST syntax guide `__ - `Online Sphinx editor `__ - `reStructuredText tool support `__ - `reStructuredText Format `__ - `reStructuredText Directives `__ - `awesome-sphinxdoc `__ - `The Python Packaging Authority `__ - **Examples** - `PyCBC `__ - `GPAW `__ - `Salish Sea MEOPAR `__ - `MkDocs `__