Interactive HTCondor jobs will prompt you to a shell on a node fitting your chosen requirements. You can develop, test and run your software in-situ there. We provide a dedicated HTCondor pool for interactive jobs. The submit host is condor9.atlas.local.

However, you may also use this feature in the main pool.

To submit an interactive job you need a reduced submit file int_job.sub:

accounting_group =
request_gpus = 1
request_cpus = 1
request_memory = 4GB
Requirements = (CUDADeviceName == "Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB")

This submit file will allocate a slot on a machine with a “Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB” GPU.

You request this node with

condor_submit -interactive int_job.sub

Once it is scheduled, condor should automatically log you into a node via ssh and you can run your tests there.

Please note, once you exit the shell or are idle for more than two hours, the job and all processes will be killed.

To avoid unintended job terminations by network problems, please consider running condor_submit in tmux or screen.

To find out which resources are available, please use condor_status to find available CPUs and GPUs.