To find out which Machines have GPUs installed you can run

condor_status  -constraint 'PartitionableSlot && TotalGpus > 0' \
-af:h Machine TotalGPUs CUDADeviceName

This will output something akin to

Machine           GPUs CUDADeviceName
a3102.atlas.local 2    undefined
a3104.atlas.local 1    GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
a3108.atlas.local 1    GeForce RTX 2080
a3112.atlas.local 1    GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

Here, undefined could either mean a non CUDA capable card being found or - as in this case - two different CUDA capable cards being found (TITAN V and GV100).

Please note, that we currently have three pools and condor_status only reflects the situation within the connected pool!

To see, which of these GPUs are currently available, run

condor_status  -constraint 'PartitionableSlot && Gpus > 0'\
-af:h Machine TotalGpus GPUs CUDADeviceName Cpus Memory/1024

The difference here is, that TotalGpus indicates the number of physically installed GPUs while Gpus indicates how many GPUs are currently available for new Jobs.

For convenience, two additional columns were added, the number of currently available CPU cores and memory (in GiByte).