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coherent WaveBurst Event Display

Event Display

Time-Frequency Maps

(whitened data)


Plot Style: Spectrogram | Spectrogram-Logy | Scalogram Plot Style: Spectrogram | Spectrogram-Logy | Scalogram
L1 L1


Plot Style: Spectrogram | Spectrogram-Logy | Scalogram Plot Style: Spectrogram | Spectrogram-Logy | Scalogram
H1 H1



Plot Style: Scalogram | mchirp Plot Style: Scalogram
Likelihood TF Map Null TF Map


Reconstructed Detector Responses - ( NET PSD )

L1 - ( PSD )

Strain: full | zoom | fft | dat Whitened: Reconstructed Response - Band Limited Output time | fft | dat
L1_ht L1_sn

H1 - ( PSD )

Strain: full | zoom | fft | dat Whitened: Reconstructed Response - Band Limited Output time | fft | dat
H1_ht H1_sn


(white star : injected direction / black star : reconstructed direction / black dot : detected direction)

Sensitivity : Sqrt(F+^2+Fx^2) Alignment : |Fx|/|F+|
Sensitivity to Plus Polarisation Sensitivity to Cross Polarisation
Sky Statistic | Circles | skyprobcc | fits | ( aladin | help ) Detection Statistic
Prob Detection Statistic
Likelihood Null Energy
Likelihood Null Energy
Correlated Energy Correlation
Correlated Energy Correlation
Likelihood Disbalance Network Response Index
Energy Disbalance Network Response Index
Polarization Ellipticity
Polarization Ellipticity