Useful Links ------------ This page collects the most relevant links related to the CWB pipeline. - **WAT** - The Waveburst Algorithm Tools library - `WAT Repository `__ - WAT repository - `WAT Manual `__ - WAT online manual - `WAT Reference `__ - WAT online repository - `WAT Tickets Reports `__ - WAT tracking of issues and bugs - `WAT New Ticket `__ - Link to send a new ticket | - **ROOT** - An object oriented framework for large scale data analysis - `ROOT Home Page `__ - `ROOT User Guide `__ - `Download ROOT `__ - `Tutorials and Courses `__ | - **LAL** - The LSC Algorithm Library - `LAL Home Page `__ - `LAL Online Documentation `__ - `LAL Burst Waveform Simulations `__ | - **FRAMELIB** - Frame Library for GW data manipulation - `FRAMELIB Home Page `__ - `Frame Library Online Documentation `__ | - **BurstMDC** - Wrapper for the simulation physics code ’GravEn’ to create and write MDC simulated signals to frames - `Home Page `__ - `Supernova Search MDCs `__ | - **HEALPix** - Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization of a sphere - `HEALPix Home Page  NASA `__ - `HEALPix Home Page  sourceforge `__ | - **CVODE** - Suite for integration of ordinary differential equation systems - `CVODE Download Page `__ | - **FITS** - Flexible Image Transport System - `Reference to the FITS standard `__ - `Dictionary of standard FITS header keywords `__ - `CFITSIO `__ - library for reading and writing data files in the FITS format - `Funtools: FITS Users Need Tools `__ - `LIGO/Virgo proposal to adopt HEALPix/FITS format and some metadata conventions `__ | - **Skymap Statistics** - simple module and exectutables to quantify skymaps and compare them - `Home Page `__ - `git repository `__ | - **Scientific Linux** - A Linux release developed by Fermilab and CERN - `Linux Home Page `__ - `Documentation `__ | - **Baudline** - Browser for scientific visualization of data in the time-frequency domain - `Baudline Home Page `__ - `Baudline Online Manual `__ | - **Aladin Sky Atlas** - Interactive software for the visualization of digitized astronomical images - `Aladin Sky Atlas Home Page `__ - `Aladin User Manual `__ | - **GWGC** - Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalog - `GWGC `__ | - **GWOSC** - Gravitational Wave Open Science Center - `GWOSC `__ | - **Utilities** - `Antenna Pattern Map Generator `__ - `GPS Time Converter `__ | - **DATA GRID** - The LSC/VIRGO computing resources - **LSC DATA GRID** - The LSC computing resources (`WebHome `__) - `Accounting Statistics `__ - `Determining a Unique Tag for LIGO Condor Jobs `__ - **ATLAS** - The ATLAS computing cluster - `Home Page `__ - `Condor Status `__ - **CIT** - The CIT computing cluster - `Condor Status `__ - **XSEDE** - The XSEDE user portal - `User Portal `__ - **VIRGO DATA GRID** - The VIRGO computing resources (`WebHome `__) - **CNAF** - The CNAF computing cluster - `Monitoring at Tier1 `__ | - **DetChar** - Detector Characterization (`WebHome `__) | - **Data Quality** - `Advanced LIGO Data Quality and Vetoes `__ - `Virgo Data Quality and vetoes `__ - `Segment Tools `__ - generate data quality segment information | - **Detector Characterization** `Tools `__ - `Omega Scans `__ - a tool for glitch investigations - `Omicron `__ - a tool for Event trigger generator | - **Observatory status** - `LIGO Open Science Center `__ - `LIGO Hanford `__ - `LIGO Livingston `__ - `VIRGO `__ | - **Miscellaneous topics** - `CWB Wiki `__ - The wiki page of the data-analysis team using CWB - `DASWG `__ - Homepage of the LIGO Data Analysis Software Working Group - `VDAS `__ - Virgo Data Analysis Software - `Other Links `__ | - **Documentation** - `Sphinx `__ - `Read the Docs Theme `__