.. include:: images.rst Flowchart ------------------------ | | |image13| | Pre-Production ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create working directories & configuration files - Creates the directory where all the scripts and files necessary to run the analysis are collected `(description) `__ - Creates data quality file list `(description) `__ - Creates strain/MDC frame files lists `(description) `__ - Submits jobs `(description) `__ | Production ~~~~~~~~~~ The multi stage analysis | | |image14| | - **the 2 stages analysis** | | |image15| | - **Read Configuration** - | |image16| | - Read config (:cwb_library:`cwb::Init()`) : the CWB config parameter file (:cwb_library:`cwb2G_parameters.C`) (config class: :cwb_library:`config`) - Init TF transforms (:cwb_library:`cwb2G::Init()`) : Init the `WDM transforms `__ & Load the xTalk Catalog (used by the MRA) - Read the CWB plugins (:cwb_library:`cwb::LoadPlugin(TMacro &plugin, TMacro &configPlugin)`) : the user scripts to customize the pipeline `(description) `__ - Init Network (:cwb_library:`cwb::InitNetwork()`) : the network of detectors - Init History (:cwb_library:`cwb::InitHistory()`) : the bookkeeping - Init Job (:cwb_library:`cwb::InitJob()`) : the selection of the period to be analyzed by a job `(How job segments are created) `__ | - **Read Data** - :cwb_library:`cwb2G::ReadData(double mdcShift, int ifactor)` | |image17| - Read gw-strain from frames (:cwb_library:`CWB::frame`) or it is generated "On The Fly" by the plugin - In simulation mode (CWB::config::simulation > 0) the injections are read from frames or are generated `’On The Fly’ `__ by the plugin - the waveforms are rescaled according to the CWB::config::factors and are added to the gw-strain `(The CWB MDC engine) `__ | - **Data Conditioning** - :cwb_library:`cwb2G::DataConditioning(int ifactor)` | |image18| - Regression : remove the lines and the upconverted spurious noise `(description) `__ - Whitening data : `(description) `__ | - **Pixels Selection** - :cwb_library:`cwb2G::Coherence(int ifactor)` `(description) `__ | |image19| - Compute the maximum energy of TF pixels WSeries:::cwb_library:`maxEnergy` - Set pixel energy threshold network:::cwb_library:`THRESHOLD(double bpp)` (**WP** has a new threshold function network:::cwb_library:`THRESHOLD(double bpp, double shape)` - Select the significant pixels network:::cwb_library:`getNetworkPixels(int LAG, double Eo, double DD=1., TH1F *hist=NULL)` - Single resolution clustering :cwb_library:`netcluster::cluster` `(clustering algorithms) `__ - Selection of single resolution clusters **(WP**) netcluster:::cwb_library:`select(char*, double)` `(clustering algorithms) `__ | - **Clustering & Cluster Selection** - :cwb_library:`cwb2G::SuperCluster(int ifactor)` | |image20| - Supercluster : Multi resolution clustering :cwb_library:`netcluster::supercluster` `(clustering algorithms) `__ - Rejection of the sub-threshold clusters :cwb_library:`network::subNetCut(int lag, float subnet=0.6, float subcut=0.33, TH2F *hist=NULL)` `(description) `__ - Defragment clusters :cwb_library:`netcluster::defragment(double T, double F, TH2F *=NULL)` (For **WP** this step is performed before ’Rejection of the sub-threshold clusters’) - Build reduced TF maps : The Sparse TF Map `(description) `__ | - **Reconstruction & Parameters Estimation** - :cwb_library:`cwb2G::Likelihood(int ifactor, char *ced_dir, netevent *output=NULL, TTree *net_tree=NULL, char *outDump=NULL)` | |image21| - The cWB 2G coherent statistics `(description) `__ - The cWB 2G production thresholds `(description) `__ - The event reconstruction with WDM principle components :cwb_library:`network::likelihood2G(char mode, int lag, int ID, TH2F *hist=NULL)` - WDM principle components (description) - cWB 2G regulators for WDM principle components (description) - The cWB 2G regulators `(description) `__ - The event reconstruction with WDM packets **(WP**) :cwb_library:`network::likelihoodWP(char mode, int lag, int ID, TH2F *hist=NULL)` - Wavelet packets `(description) `__ - The cWB 2G regulators for WDM packets (description) - Save event parameters :cwb_library:`netevent::output2G(TTree *, network *, size_t, int, double)` - The list of the event parameters : `(description) `__ | Post-Production ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Collection of results and creation of figure of merits - Produces the figure of merits and text files from the list of triggers generated during the production step `(description) `__ - Select the post-production thresholds - Merge the output event parameter files - Apply post-production vetoes - Creates WEB pages : `(description) <#web-pages>`__